木華陶冶 -「木華」取創辦人Rose Chan 陳詩樺 中文名稱的「樺」字。

Birch Ceramics was named by the studio founder, Rose Chan, by her Chinese name “樺”.

“在這裡,除了可以享受陶藝的樂趣外,亦會分享我心中的藝術,提供一個可以讓大家陶冶性情的地方。歡迎各位親朋戚友,或對藝術有興趣的各方好友前來「木華陶冶工作室」一同相聚,享受當下,並與大地的泥土產生連結。” - Rose Chan 陳詩樺

“Besides enjoying the fun of ceramics, I would like to share my view of art, to provide a space to cultivate one’s mind. Anyone interested in art is welcome to enjoy your precious moment, and connect yourself with the earth in Birch Ceramics.” - Rose Chan

ceramics/pottery/glazing/Birch ceramics/香港陶瓷/陶瓷班/香港陶室/陶瓷體驗班/陶瓷創作/整陶瓷/陶藝班/陶藝課/陶/陶瓷/陶藝/陶瓷班/陶瓷興趣班/香港/香港陶藝/香港興趣班/陶藝恆常班/陶藝基礎班/陶藝兒童班/陶藝基礎班/陶瓷恆常班/陶瓷基礎班/陶瓷兒童班/拉坯/拉坯體驗班/香港拉坯/文青/陶瓷推介/手捏/手捏陶瓷/陶瓷拉坯/陶瓷手作班/拉坯體驗/手捏陶藝/陶藝拉坯/銅鑼灣/陶室/藝術/陶藝教室/窯/童窯/陶藝工作坊/陶瓷作品/馬克杯


Water, clay, sand, wood

Do you still remember the moment of playing sand and clay when we were young? It doesn’t matter that we grow and are having a busy life, enjoy the moment of happiness now.


In Birch Ceramics, we amuse every moment of joy.

Get in touch


Phone Call/ Whatsapp 96978833